Industrial Revolution

  1. Discuss the impact of the Industrial Revolution on interior design and architecture. How did it influence material usage and production techniques?
  2. Examine how the rise of mass production during the Industrial Revolution led to new furniture designs. Provide examples of materials or styles that became popular during this period.


  1. What were the primary principles of the Bauhaus movement, and how did they transform modern interior design and architecture?
  2. Explain how Bauhaus designers emphasized functionality and minimalism in interiors. Provide examples of iconic furniture or interior elements from Bauhaus.

Greek Columns

  1. Compare and contrast the three orders of Greek columns: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. How were these columns used in interior and architectural design?
  2. What are the defining characteristics of the Corinthian column, and where is this column order prominently used in ancient Greek architecture?

Minoan Civilization

  1. Describe the characteristics of Minoan interiors and how they reflected the civilization's lifestyle and values. How did their use of light and color influence interior spaces?
  2. Examine the role of frescoes in Minoan interiors. What themes or subjects were commonly depicted, and how did these artworks contribute to the ambiance of Minoan palaces?

Roman Interior and Architecture

  1. Discuss the use of mosaics and frescoes in Roman interiors. How did these artistic techniques reflect Roman culture and contribute to the grandeur of their interior spaces?
  2. Describe the architectural and interior features of Roman public baths (thermae). How did the design of spaces like the caldarium, tepidarium, and frigidarium cater to both function and luxury?
  3. Compare and contrast the architectural features and social functions of the Roman domus and insulae. How did these reflect the different social classes in Roman society?
  4. What was the role of the atrium in a Roman domus, and how did its design, including the impluvium, enhance the functionality and aesthetics of Roman homes?
